Healthy Living

New Year, New You: Setting Goals for the New Year
The close of one year and arrival of a new is not only the passage of time, but also a time for fresh starts and goal setting. As this year comes to a close to make way for a new year, be sure to include healthy eating as part of your goals. Even if you’ve […]
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Holiday Gift Guide 2015: Healthy Gifts for Healthy Friends
Is your passion for healthy eating so great that a part of you winces at the abundance of sugar and refined grains filling most food gifts at the holidays? Don’t worry—we feel your pain. Special and delicious food gifts don’t have to derail your healthy habits. Check out our top five healthy gifts for healthy […]
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Shopping for Healthy Foods at the Convenience Store
There you are…driving down the road, hours from your destination, yet you find that you are starving! What are you to do? If you forgot to pack a snack, aren’t near a restaurant with healthy or allergy friendly options, or you’re just crunched for time, you may be surprised to find that you can shop […]
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10 Ways Sugar is Secretly Sabotaging Your Diet
Refined sugars have a host of negative health impacts ranging from weight gain to fueling disease and more. Yet even when we aim to cut refined sugar out of our diets, it has a terrible way of sneaking onto our plates in some of the most unsuspecting places. Sure, you know to avoid the cupcake […]
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No Cheating! Why Cheat Days Send the Wrong Message
The idea of cheating on a diet is nothing new, but what has recently become more popular is the concept of official “cheat days” on your diet. The basic idea is that you adhere to your healthy diet for so many days and then have a “cheat day” on which you don’t follow your normal, […]
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Whole 30: What It Is and Is It Right for You?
If you have browsed through Pinterest, turned on TV, or read many health and fitness blogs recently you have probably heard about the Whole 30, but hearing the term and knowing what exactly the Whole 30 entails are two different things. If your interest has been piqued and you want to know what the Whole […]
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3 Tips to Get You Out of Your Food Rut
As anyone with food allergies can tell you, it can be challenging to find good recipes that fit you and your family’s dietary needs! With the challenges of specialized diets it’s no wonder that when many of us find a recipe that works, we stick with it! While it’s great to find these meals […]
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Special Diet Secrets to Dining Out
Eating at home on a special diet is challenging for sure, but eating out with food restrictions can be darn near impossible. Or is it? You can absolutely enjoy a safe for you meal at your favorite hot spots just by following these simple steps. 1. Dine Local. Local restaurants tend to offer local foods […]
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Is the Specific Carbohydrate Diet Right for You?
Before we answer that question, let’s first define a “specific carbohydrate diet”, shall we? The Specific Carbohydrate Diet, or SCD, is a dietary protocol that requires a very detailed prescribed list of foods. The main tenets of the SCD lifestyle call for no starches, grains, and complex sugars as well as the addition of probiotic […]
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5 Easy Healthy Ingredient Substitutions You Can Make TODAY
Making a total diet overhaul to a healthier way of living can be hard work, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t some simple ways to make the switch easier. These changes won’t require you to acquire a taste for an unusual new food, wean yourself from a favorite food, search for rare ingredients, or spend […]
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